The Client Builder Academy™ is a robust combination of reading materials, video clips and exercises packaged together inside of an online learning management system that helps the sales coach, business owner and sales manager monitor a salesperson’s learning and hold them accountable. Inside the platform itself, business owners and their managers have the ability to pick and choose among thirty different sales courses and five sales management courses to use in whatever combination and sequence they deem best. It also provides an easy method for assigning homework and keeping track of the progress each person is making.
The exercises inside the coaching platform are designed to help the participants tailor and apply our selling strategies and techniques to fit their own personal selling style in the context of what and to whom they sell. The Academy helps each learner quickly grasp the core concepts of selling and develop their own “personal selling playbook.” Managers are also given access to this platform so that they can see the time being spent and the work being done by the people in the program that report to them. By completing the exercises along with the salespeople the business owner or sale manager is, in essence, building a sales operations manual for the company that will make onboarding the next salesperson that much easier.
Using a “flipped classroom” model for coaching and training, participants are expected to prepare before each workshop by completing the work assigned to them in the Client Builder Academy™. By completing the pre-work in advance of each coaching or training session, most of the time spent in our workshops is focused on the application of Client Builder Selling concepts to the participants’ personal selling environment through discussion, review and role-play of the exercises.
Consequently, our workshops and coaching sessions are much more interactive than most training workshops and webinars where the participants learn about a concept for the very first time in the workshop itself. In our workshops we give participants the opportunity to R O A R (Review homework, Openly discuss challenges, Apply concepts and principles to specific selling situations, and Role-play.) Not only does this make training more engaging and fun, it shortens the learning curve.