“Larry Lewis is an excellent sales trainer. Every week I found his sessions to be valuable, applicable, and very hands on. His ability to relate Client Builder Training to any specific industry is extremely helpful. I have seen measurable results from Larry’s training and would absolutely recommend him.”

“Larry is an outstanding trainer. I found every session valuable, interesting and made my company money immediately. I would highly recommend Larry!”
“Larry is a fabulous sales trainer and excellent communicator. He helped me focus in on key points in my personal selling process that needed improvement. The results have been measurable in term of time and money. I would recommend Larry to any serious sales professional that wants to take his/her selling skills to the next level.”

“I have worked in sales, both as a sales rep and as a business owner, and now I also work with clients in sales. I find sales fascinating, and have studied and worked with selling systems and strategies for a long time. I find Client Builder Selling to be the best sales process I have found. Why is it the best? Because it is not forced, it is not unnatural, and it really puts a process to the way small business owners and their salespeople can move forward to create and make a sale. It helps me quickly determine whether a sale is even possible, and if not, to move on to a better prospect, rather than wasting a lot of unneeded time on a prospect that really isn’t a prospect at all. I thank Larry Lewis for creating this process, and for the opportunity to use this system. It really works!”

“I feel that choosing you to be my sales trainer was one of the best business decisions I ever made. In the last year, I have doubled my income and my client base. Before I met you, I did not believe I would achieve this goal for about seven years.”
“I have been using Larry’s system since training with PBCA in May, and I can attest to the fact that it works! I have been in sales for many years (in one way or another) and find Client Builder Selling to be totally cohesive with the coaching approach. Love it!”

“I have spent my entire 30 year career in sales and sales management. The first 16 years I worked for a Fortune 500 company that believed in sales training but changed sales training companies and approaches on a regular basis. Consequently, I have been exposed to and intimately involved with The Xerox Method, Tom Hopkins, Counselor Salesperson, Wilson, etc., etc.
There were many outstanding facets to each of these methods. However, I have found none that is as direct and effective as the methods taught by Larry Lewis. His organization provides a powerful combination of the right technique coupled with an outstanding trainer. If you want to see real change and growth in your salespeople then Larry Lewis and his company is your best choice.”

“You have a wonderful company and program. People who choose not to work with you are really missing out. Sometimes we never get from being good at what we do, to being great, because we don’t check out things like Larry Lewis and his programs.”

“Growing small businesses into larger ones is tough stuff. It isn’t for the faint hearted. Larry Lewis understands that implicitly and has put together a comprehensive sales and marketing “toolbox” for the SMB segment. He has married his own extensive professional selling background with the power of a nationally recognized small business marketing solution, creating a powerful one-stop model for the dedicated entrepreneur. It helps you face the tough stuff and thrive. I have absolutely no reservations about recommending Larry.”

“In seeking sales training, I wanted the best system available that would yield the fastest results. When I met Larry Lewis, I was intrigued by the fact that it was not only a fresh approach, but it went against the conventional wisdom on closing. I have applied the principals learned in his program and they really work!! I am living proof. I highly recommend Larry Lewis and his system for selling to anyone who is serious about sales growth and willing to try a new approach.”