“You helped take our company to another level and educate all of us on how to be more productive in our daily business lives. I thoroughly enjoyed your sessions.”

“I wanted to let you know that this past week, my company held its annual sales kick-off meeting. At this year’s meeting I received “The Salesman of the Year Award”. It is the result of a lot of hard work and a system for selling that YOU helped bring to me. Is it possible I might have been able to achieve this accomplishment someday with or without your help? Who knows? But let’s face it, you have increased my sales knowledge exponentially and that’s an incredible part of what got me through. In summary, the reason for this note wasn’t to gloat about my accomplishment, but to thank you for a job well done and to let you know that what you’re doing has helped make a difference for me personally. You have made a REAL salesman out of a guy who used to think all he wanted in life was to play guitar for Aerosmith…”

“Hey…….just a quick note to let you know that I just won a $143,000 order against 2 competitors using your process and techniques. I can unequivocally say that this order would not have been won by me if I did not use your approach to selling. That stuff really works!
My sales training is also helping me to quickly qualify new prospects so that I’m not wasting time with people who don’t have $, approval authority, etc. I love this stuff.”

“I was introduced to Larry Lewis in 2002. Larry became my trainer and sales coach. The results were incredible! I grew my Market 158% and developed $2.9 Million Dollars in New Business between 2003 and 2006.
As the VP of Sales for GBG Incorporated, I hired Larry to do workshops for our customers. Larry was able to quickly connect with them and provide an approach that was tailor made to his audience.
I owe a great deal to Larry. He has been very important to my personal success as well as that of GBG Incorporated. I highly recommend him to any business that is interested in improving their sales and marketing performance.”

“I was introduced to Larry and his Client Builder Sales Training as a new sales rep at Victory Media. Larry and his program have been the building blocks of my sales education and a strong contributing factor to my early success in the sales field. The lessons I learned from Larry are tools I use in my field every day, and with every sale I pursue, and I will use for years to come.”

“Thank you for a rich experience. When I first heard (18 months ago) about a switch from Sandler I was skeptical. Mostly skeptical about some new guy who thinks he can do it better…. And with certain misgivings, I was quite happy with the Sandler approach. After seeing you at the annual meeting I became hopeful. Now I am grateful. You’ve taken the best, changed most of the rest and tossed the worst. I am familiar with what you’ve done. I went through many of the same challenges and as we say here in Maine – “You done good, Yess!” You should be very proud.”

“Add me to the Client Builder fan club. I have had more than a passing experience with Sandler, though I’m not a President’s Club member. I’ve worked with Sandler franchisees and have been to several trainings over the years going back to the 90′s. So I was pretty familiar with the Sandler methods and materials before I came to the PBCA. I’m still a fan of Sandler but I’m a bigger fan of Client Builder.
Personally I just find Client Builder more approachable than Sandler. To me it’s a little more compatible with selling coaching (more cooperative, less combative), while still retaining the no-nonsense “don’t waste my time or the prospect’s time with a dead-end deal.”

“Larry taught an old dog, new tricks. I have been in sales since 1976. Through the year’s one has a tendency to develop some habits that are good, and others not so much. In my case the longer my sales career went, the more my mental baggage got in the way. I started working with Larry in the fall of 2012. His Client Builder Selling system transformed me into the best salesman I have been throughout my career. But working with Larry is so much more than ‘’book learning’’. Larry gets it, not only in the sales arena but more importantly at a very human level. I had a breakthrough with Larry that allowed me for the first time in my life to realize, recognize and then correct attributes of my personality and mental image of myself that had been preventing me from getting out of my own way. Larry has taught me the mechanics and methodologies of selling better than any before him. That was important, but helping me to free myself from the psychological ‘’handcuffs’’ I never realized I had was the ultimate key. You would do well to work with Larry Lewis.”

“We are becoming more successful! If you don’t believe it, look at what our competition is doing. A lot of them are countering with the only weapon they have in their arsenal… price. We have taken almost $7MM worth of business from them in the last 3 months and they don’t like it. We got the business by prospecting and beating them in many cases on value! Value that has been communicated through great selling techniques by great salespeople.”